How cats affect humans
My cat died in March. She was only 10 years old, young for a feline. I was devastated for a solid month or two….
My cat died in March. She was only 10 years old, young for a feline. I was devastated for a solid month or two….
I stopped using shampoo in July. Fifteen weeks of latherless, bland, boring showers, lacking any type of Herbal Essence-induced pleasure. I opted instead for…
A sexy exhibition took place Oct. 27 at the Surrey Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) campus. The 2015 Sexuality Education Explores Positivity and Openness (SEXPO)…
The unconscious desires and needs of each individual: that’s the definition of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist dedicated to…
If you’re a young adult living in Metro Vancouver, you’ve probably noticed it’s expensive to live on your own. Unless you’re working full-time, you…
Laurel Scott is a vivacious 76-year-old. Beautiful, athletic, rowdy and hilarious, she causes a stir everywhere she goes. She has been married twice and…
When you know people in other country are buying things you are, but they get them in a much cheaper price – or when…
Brian Corkum has been saving from day one. Born in Sarnia, Ontario in 1947, his family moved to the Brentwood area of Burnaby, British…
Ryan Sahota starts his morning off by waking up early, drinking some water and washing down a “workout simulator magnum serum along with some…
Being young and being relatively healthy has its perks. Investing while being young and using the benefits of having time to build up wealth,…
Though the idea of living collectively is hardly a new one, it’s gaining traction, especially in perennially unaffordable Vancouver. But sometimes it’s a challenge…
The tragedy at Rana Plaza in April 2013 – the collapse of the Bangledeshi garment factory that killed more than 1,100 people – has…
It’s a common situation: You have a great bike but don’t get out on it often enough, and now it’s been sitting untouched in…
Healthy foods are – on average – $1.50 a day more expensive than unhealthy foods, according to a new study by Harvard University. According…
There are mixed feelings about bike lanes, even among the Vancouver cycling community. Bike lanes are controversial: Implementing them costs a lot of money,…