Tonics of the Dark Age

What type of life would you lead if you always followed your heart?

Thoughts create reality
manifestation paves a pathway for satisfaction.

Achieving our goals comes from choices we make, consciously or subconsciously. The concept of manifesting is founded on the belief that negative and positive thoughts determine the outcome of your life by attracting positive or negative experiences.

Creating opportunity by positively affirming yourself and your aspirations can help achieve your dreams. You can learn to be diligent in this practice using your thoughts and heart.

HearthMath is a new study that scientifically proves the power of the heart. “Heart intelligence is the flow of intuitive awareness, understanding and inner guidance we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. It can be activated through self-initiated practice,” states the HeartMath Institute, in its research FAQs at

The profound effect of heartmath is better well-being and success: An outcome based on how we feel, and following our “gut feelings.” Many people refer to this as intuition.

Heart coherence says we have agency over how feel.
How we feel highly influences our reality,
by allowing emotions to become trapped in the body, you’ll hinder your ability to move forward.

Those making the changes are shifting this world, socially, economically and spiritually. Reality as we know it no longer serves us. These people are collectively known as “creatives.” Creatives are entrepreneurs with creative souls in the synthetic world, and are full-time manifestors.

The status quo is falling, followed by a system that is devoid of meaning, and social enterprises are growing. WorkBC says, “A social enterprise is an organization that operates like a business, but whose profits are used to achieve positive community impact and address social and/or environmental issues.”

Today, the wide spread of local businesses are made up of holistic wellness and creative expressions. There is a bigger movement happening behind the desire of being your own boss.

We are creating a system that invests in people, love, and honesty.

“Of course, a business can operate for many functions, but a social enterprise is purely for the purpose of creating social value. It only takes into consideration how to utilize managerial techniques to advance society, how to use itself as the vehicle to transport ‘spiritual capital,’” writes Stephanie Chin, in an article called “Spiritual Capital in the Fullness Social Enterprise.”

What we’re seeing is ego

Amos Bracewell is a B.C.-born life guide who empowers people to live a fuller and nice effervescent life. He is also a musician who identifies as a public figure. In his Facebook biography, Bracewell writes, “It is remarkable how we keep getting new opportunities to re-learn what we thought we learned last time, until we have finally mastered the lesson.” Using this can help you manifest success.

Bracewell offers The Epic Life Program to teach people how to reach goals by helping them “identify and work with eliminating beliefs which have been self-sabotaging themselves.” The program helps people understand their thoughts and feelings, and teaches them that negative thoughts are toxic falsities people wrongfully believe about themselves.

Bracewell says, in order to manifest success, we must “realize the power of thoughts and words.”

The rise of motivated, self-driven entrepreneurs on the market is a product of change in thinking and the shedding of traditional concepts that limit our true goal seeking abilities.

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Kara Maria Ananda is a teacher, writer, speaker, therapist and coach. In one of her blog posts, Ananda writes, “Self-care is essential to creating a sustainable and abundant business,” and that “healthy people have the energy, vitality, and enthusiasm to make changes and create the momentum for transformation.” She built Maria University and The Healing Arts Business Academy: Conscious Entrepreneurship Today on her website,

Regaining our authenticity is a revolution in consciousness.
This revolution is a reflection of human evolution. It’s about the heart.
Our source of life.

Social enterprise activists encourage each other and act as a support system during this shift.

Natural wellness gives us the tools to make positive changes. Madeliene Bonnemaion is a dietary nutritionist, visual artist and writer, and she’s also dedicated to launching her business called Ritual Wellness. It’s inspired by body image dysmorphia and eating-disorders, where Bonnemaion’s journey in holistic nutrition started. Ritual Wellness is a lifestyle brand, for creative living and the fundamentals of holistic health.

“It’s about more than nutrition and food diaries, it’s the mind-body element,” says Bonnesmaison. It’s rather “more a reflection of who I am.”

Ritual Wellness brings new meaning to holism. Bonnemaion wants to coach woman on how to build their own brand. From one creative to another, it’s about the bigger picture. “It’s juicy. It’s hard to unpack it, and put it into concise words because it embodies the word holistic.” she says.

Bonnemaion empowers people by coaching them through how situations make them feel.

“Often the feeling of certainty is absolute — the intuition is experienced as beyond question or doubt — and the feeling can encompass positive emotions, such as optimism and excitement, or negative emotions such as dread, fear or terror. This experience of an immediate, sense of the thing as a whole is quite unlike the informational processing experience of normal awareness,” states the article Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1. The Surprising Role of the Heart in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.”

Helping people understand the role of their subconscious mind gears them up for success. Bonnemaion believes,“the fact is, there’s a million solutions out there readily available. You have no excuses anymore.”

What’s actually going to motivate people to change is “when people start to FEEL the difference with these types of solutions,” she says. “The really important part is that giving people small, achievable, incremental changes they can implement, but also to give them enough time to feel the impact.”

Feel yourself
the enterprise.

The changes we make influence others. Once people start to experience positive results, the movement becomes contagious. The correlation between modern pioneers of raw food and living, healing and being a creative soul, is to reach higher consciousness.

What Heartmath shows, spiritual beings experience, and the growth in social enterprises can make many skeptical.

The idea of letting go of a life you once knew is scary. Sharing the enthusiasm and starting authentic discussions with friends and family can be difficult.

“It’s really hard with people who love you, friends and family might not understand this shift that’s happening,” says Bonnemaion. “There is a desire, a dark part of people, that wants to stay sick, victimized, and [they] don’t want to empower themselves to heal.”

In the beginning, she doubted the idea of her business and was “bottled in fear.”

Bonnsmaion says, “I didn’t want to make the changes even though I knew it was right on an intellectual level, but I didn’t feel like I deserved to feel better. And that’s where I think a lot of the root of these things are.”

Life is too short
to bring people
you go down
with them.

We affect each other emotionally. Waiting to share these types of passions comes from a place of fear: Fear of envy and other negative energies. There is no place for fear, self-doubt, and negativity in a higher consciousness. If we want to follow our bliss and live in abundance, we need to share the experience.

At the SuperConfrence2017 in Vancouver on Oct. 22, Dr. Gabor Mate led a convention on mental disorders and the complexities of our current state of evolution.

I asked him what the role of spirituality had on our current state of  well-being. He said: “If you look at the native medicine, it involves immunity of body, interact, social issues and spirituality. Without any of them we’re incomplete, so spirituality is a part of who we are as human beings. This society either doesn’t have enough spirituality or mistakes religion for spirituality.”

Mate specializes in neurology, psychiatry and psychology. He focuses on the cause and effects of trauma, stress and addictions. Mate says, “The biggest stress of all is being who we’re not.” He believes trauma is the base of addiction and addiction is the attempt to solve the problem. In order to conduct healthy brain development, we need self-regulation, mind-body connection, and empathy.

More importantly, coherence with the heart.

You can choose to sit behind the door of uncertainty,
or take the leap to
the other side
is a meadow of possibility.

“It’s one thing to hear about these things, hearing someone talk about them, and it’s yet another thing to see them happen in your life and realize there’s that full power there and realize it really works,” says Bonnemaion.

The question now is, what’s stopping you from following your heart?

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