Opening Night: Surrey International Writers Conference

IMG_2466Thursday evening, Oct. 23, Chapters Strawberry Hill was abuzz with live music and coffee. A crowd gathered excitedly, with books clasped between their hands, awaiting the annual opening night of the Surrey International Writers Conference.

The entire middle section of the bookstore had been cleared out and lined with chairs, anticipating a big turn-out for bestselling authors Diana Gabaldon of Outlander fame, Jack Whyte, Michael Slade, Roberta Rich and Chevy Stevens.

Residents across the Lower Mainland were in attendance, including a couple that flew in from Utah for the chance to meet Gabaldon. Chapters staff anticipated a large turnout, forecasting an increase of attendees due to the popularity of Gabaldon, whose New York Times bestselling series recently was adapted for the Starz TV network.

At seven o’clock, all five authors made their way onto the floor and settled in for the Q&A section of the night, hosted by Strawberry Hill Manager, Leslie Clark. Bodies squeezed in to catch sight of the authors seated at the head of the aisle, while Clark tossed out questions, such as how the authors celebrate finishing a book and what their greatest achievements in life would be.

Gabaldon, whose recent instalment came out on June 10, said that it takes her five years to write a book and by then she treats herself to a new set of towels. In answer to how she celebrated the recent accomplishment of the eighth instalment of her critically acclaimed Outlander series, Gabaldon laughingly said, “My husband took me to Disneyland,” much to the crowds’ enjoyment. Whyte, who is 74, responded good humouredly that his biggest achievement would have to be “staying alive this long,” which earned him a few laughs from the crowd.

All five of the authors were asked if they could explain their writing process and all of them agreed that when they write, it’s best that everyone stay out of their way. Whyte shared with the audience stories of his writing habits, saying that he waits until the evening and writes well through the night. Therefore, when his agents call him bright and early in their workday he’s not the most pleasant person to get a hold of.


After a few more Q&A questions led by Clark, the floor was open to the audience members who got to interact and ask questions about their favourite novels. A fun tid-bit was revealed for Outlander fans: Gabaldon’s inspiration for the strapping young Scotsman Jamie Fraser was inspired by and old episode of “Doctor Who” in which the Doctor is transported to 17th century Scotland and comes across a young Scotsman. Gabaldon described her reaction to the kilt-clad character as thinking, “Well, that’s fetching,” and therein, she said, lay the groundwork for the beginnings of her series.

After a few more questions from the crowd, Chapters staff made quick work of setting up tables, and organizing line-ups for the signings. While Whyte, Slade, Rich and Stevens stayed seated where they were, Gabadon was elevated to the second floor to avoid congestion. Gabaldon, who was outfitted in a crushed velvet maroon shawl, looked like a raven-haired Stevie Nicks as she approached her new seat. The signing led all the way to closing at 9 o’clock, and the last of the crowds trickled out with smiling faces and new friends who shared the same passion for these much beloved novels.

Every year, Chapters Strawberry Hill hosts the opening night of SiWC and the turnout is always greater than the year before. Chapters lifestyle manager Jenn Relf credits the ever-expanding turnout to social media, saying that in the past few years, she has noticed that a lot more younger people make their way to the event, including a greater turnout from the States thanks to Facebook, and Twitter along with the ever-expanding fan base of the authors.

1 Comment

  • Samantha Faith VanDeventer

    Looks like lots of fun and like a very interesting event! It’s funny that Gabaldon treats herself by buying a new set of towels. The DisneyLand celebration seems more in line. I finish a semester of school and I buy myself a $300 concert ticket and she finishes five years of writing and gets a towel set. Must be nice towels!

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