A day in the life of a beauty queen: Tanpreet Parmar, Miss Charity BC


Photo Credit: Envy Arts Photography

Miss Charity BC Tanpreet Parmar, takes us into her busy life since winning that title in June and talks about how her life has changed.

Q: So just this past June you were crowned Miss Charity BC at the Miss BC Pageant. Since then how has your life changed, if at all?

Tanpreet Parmar: It’s really overwhelming and very exiting having a title like Miss Charity, because people look at you and really appreciate you, and it’s really nice to be recognized when people come up to you and say that they are really proud of you and what you’ve done, it’s so nice.

Miss Charity is such an honourable title to have, because you know it’s for charity and a lot of people really look up to you and ask you questions and want you to be a part of their events that they do and they want you to be involved with.

Q: Along with Miss Charity you also won people’s choice. How was it receiving two titles?

TP: It was really overwhelming and so nice to know I had so much support from the public and got the most votes and I was so appreciative of it. I couldn’t believe it. It’s so overwhelming and exciting to receive anything, let alone two titles, so I was so thankful. I mean, going into the pageant, I had no clue what was going to happen and like even getting one title is such a huge deal but getting two was so beyond what I expected.

Q: In the past five months what have you done during your reign so far as Miss Charity BC?

TP: Well, as Miss Charity BC, I have been a part of Cops for Cancer, helping fundraise money outside of Save-On in Cloverdale. I also attended the Surrey night market as Miss Charity BC. I also participated, alongside two other title holders, at the Vancouver Gay Pride Parade. We walked the entire pride parade, which was awesome because we got to meet so many amazing people and it’s always fun to wear my sash an crown [laughs].

I also was in India recently, and was approached to do an interview on a radio show in Punjab, and they interviewed me about who I was and asked me how I got my title and it was so nice being recognized internationally, as well.

Q: Do you find you have a lot more responsibility with juggling your Miss Charity BC title along with pursuing your modelling and acting career, as well as being a student?

TP: Well I do have a lot going on with me, but I try not to get stressed or overwhelmed. Yes, I’m very busy with having more places to be and things to do, but it’s a great experience and so worth it and I just want to make the best of my year as Miss Charity BC.


Tanpreet Parmar being crowned Miss Charity BC

Q: Has it opened up any doors for you?

TP: Yes, I would say so. I mean a lot of opportunities that I have gotten and the things that I’m doing, I don’t think I would be doing them if I wasn’t Miss Charity BC. It has been such a platform and given me much more recognition. After I was crowned, I appeared on two local talk shows The Harpreet Singh Show and Kamal’s Top 5 Hits, and that was all because of my title They all wanted to talk to me and know me and ask about my Miss BC Charity title.

Q: As a Miss Charity BC title holder are there any causes that you support other than Cops for Cancer?

TP: There isn’t one specific ’cause I’m passionate about so many, and believe it’s not necessarily about the dollar value when it comes to charity but just showing up or helping out and giving back to the community is a major passion of mine. I love to give back and believe that everyone should try to give back however much they can. It’s the thought and the effort that counts.


Miss Teen BC Tanpreet Parmar fundraising for Cops for Cancer

Q: As a role model for young girls, do you have any advice?

TP: Just be confident and follow your dreams. If you want to do something in life, do it. Don’t let anything hold you back, don’t let anything bring you down, just believe in yourself and you’ll be able to achieve anything in life as long as you put your mind to it. That’s what I did and it’s so important to just keep believing in yourself.

Q: During the pageant what was your experience like?

TP: I was extremely nervous. This was my first pageant and I had never done anything like this before, so I had no idea what to really expect.

What I loved most was that it wasn’t like a competition, though. and that’s what is great about the Miss BC Pageant. It’s more of like a family. I mean, the girls were fantastic and there was no cattiness, nothing like that. We all became good friends and the coordinators were so great and helpful so I never felt scared or intimidated.

I mean, the day of the pageant was really nerve-wracking, I was so anxious, but I think everybody gets nervous. But looking back, it was such a great experience and I learned so much from all the classes leading up to the pageant as well.

Q: Do you have any rituals you do to calm yourself down?

TP: Yes! Especially during Miss BC. I actually do a lot of yoga, so every time I had to go up on stage, I would take three huge deep breaths in and out and that would really calm me. So that’s kind of my ritual. Yoga really helps me.

Q: How does a regular day go for you?

TP: Well, it depends. I go to school and work, but then other days I’ll have a photo shoot or a music video, so some days are a lot busier than others. I’ll be on the go from like six in the morning till late in the evening. Today, for example, I was up at nine, left by 10, and drove two hours to location and shot outside for a few hours and it was pretty cold [laughs]. And then, I just got home and I was shooting yesterday too, so it’s been a busy weekend.

Q: What do you do to relax?

TP: I go to the gym. It’s part of my daily routine anyways, but whenever I have free time, I go to the gym, for sure. But I also love my bed. I love to just come home and put my pyjamas on and relax with some green tea and watch movies. That’s my happy place.

Q: Would you say social media has helped you get to where you are?

TP: Yes. I think, without social media, I wouldn’t have gotten all the votes for people’s choice during Miss BC, without all the likes and shares on Facebook and Twitter. Social media is a huge thing when it comes to promoting yourself and advertising or whatever it may be. I think it’s extremely helpful. It’s probably the best way to promote.

Q: Aside from family and friends, have you been approached by people you’ve never met before, who recognize you as Miss Charity10708695_10152316506770566_8251080794491407664_o BC?

TP: Yeah, I actually have had a few run-ins like that and I’m always so surprised but so flattered when people come up to me. This one time, I was getting coffee and this little girl came up to me and asked, “Are you Tanpreet Parmar?” and I was like yeah, and she was so sweet and said she followed me and I was just beyond flattered. She was just so sweet.

Q: Do you feel like you inspire them?

TP: [Laughs] Oh, I hope! I really hope so. I’d love to inspire people to believe in their dreams and accomplish their goals.

1 Comment

  • Samantha Faith VanDeventer

    She seems like a really sweet person. Her relaxation methods are on spot! Especially the relaxing in bed in pyjamas, drinking tea, and watching movies one. Her advice is really good advice, and it’s always important to hear that kind of advice, no matter how many times. People tend to need reminders to keep on chugging along. 🙂

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