High school ‘bus guy’ finds career behind the wheel
When David Lam was in high school some knew him as the “bus guy.” If you wanted to know how to get somewhere by…
When David Lam was in high school some knew him as the “bus guy.” If you wanted to know how to get somewhere by…
Pedestrians may have the right-of-way, but that doesn’t seem to apply to a crosswalk in South Surrey. The frequently-used crosswalk, located near the Somerset…
Vancouver Fashion Week kicked off two weeks ago with the various nations participating, showcasing a slew of new designs. One of the most recognizable…
“I regret the role I played in this incident.” – Janay Rice. That quote is from Ray Rice’s now wife, after the incident in…
B.C. art students seem tempted to stay in Vancouver because it’s a cultural hub and because of the beauty of Vancouver, even if other…
Kamal Sharma, a South Asian TV host from Surrey, reflects on the slow growth of representation of minorities in Canadian media entertainment.
There is growing concern among parents and children in the Semiahmoo Minor Hockey Association that the growing influence of politics – selection based on…
We live in one of the most dog-friendly areas of the world. According to DogFriendly.com, a website developed in the 1990s to help dog…
Three years ago, in the fall of 2011, Kalee Ruhmor, Joel Macaraeg, and Kurt Woodman started their own Movember team to raise money for…
50 years ago, Mel and Lynda Soderholm married and promised to watch over each other for the rest of their lives. This is the…
In the first segment of a series on less-popular sports, I sit down with Russell Dornian who plays frisbee golf as a hobby.
Jim Benning wasn’t the only Vancouver general manager to make a big splash on draft day. Doug Locker, general manager of Vancouver Stealth, revamped…
All major cities have a clear-cut identity. They’re historic, hip, Mediterranean, green, industrial, modern, rich or poor. Skopje is the exception to that rule: Socialist concrete,…
Facebook and Instagram seem full of posts posts of cakes and cupcakes, and more often than not, when you follow the link to the…
There are more options than ever for people to track down their favourite shows. Hours after a program airs, a torrent file is floating around…